Growth Weekly #1 - Tools, Tutorials & Tweets

Hey everyone!👋 

Initially, as it's been a while since I've sent an email out, I want to remind you why you're receiving this from me.

It's either because you have used my services, registered interest in something to do with me or maybe downloaded one of my resources. If you don't want to receive any other emails from me, that's fine, just let me know and I'll remove you from the list straight away or click the unsubscribe link bottom of the email.

The plan moving forward is to help as many of you as I can in short and simple bi-weekly emails. These will point you in the direction of valuable tools and resources that can help you move the needle with your business or venture.

Estimated read time: 1 minute 53 seconds

This week, the tool of the week is: Instantly

A lot of you probably already know this tool but, Instantly deserves the first spot here - It's an all-in-one tool for cold email outreach which includes, managing as many email address/domains as you want, unlimited email warmup and an incredible sending algorithm. Instantly can have you booking new meetings as soon as tomorrow for a fixed fee of as little as $30/pm.

I've recorded a short video below of the features you’ll want to hear about.

Video: 5 minutes 55 seconds

Start a 14-day free trial here:

Tutorial of the week: How to use ChatGPT + Google Sheets to create 1000’s of unique first lines.

ChatGPT can now be used in conjunction with Google Sheets to create unlimited unique subject lines or first lines. These lines can be used to increase the open and response rates of your outreach emails. I’ve put together a short and simple Google Doc that breaks down how to set this up and, don’t worry, it only takes about 5-minutes.

Video: 31 seconds

Interesting tweet of the week: Dave from @davidisatwork

If you're looking for more ways to grow your business:

  1. Respond directly to this email and I'll help you

  2. Follow me on Twitter and DM me

  3. Free 25-min call - I’ll suggest growth strategies for your business

  4. Visit a selection of my resources

  5. Connect with me on LinkedIn

Signing off:

Believe it or not, this first edition (even though it’s short) has taken me a while to put together so, I really do hope you managed to find some value in it.

I’d love for you all to share any honest feedback or questions that you may have - you can just simply respond to this email.

Enjoyed this newsletter? Please forward it to a friend or share it in a community. It only takes a few seconds and I’d more than appreciate it.

- Rhys

This email was sent with BeeHiiv 🐝 - An incredible awesome all-in-one email marketing platform that you need to move your newsletter to.